IT & I2 : el violín no hace la música


Bibliography Icon [BIB 1] [<--]

D. Germán, D. Cowan. "A federated database for hypermedia development for the WWW ." Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced Aplications, CODAS97 (Dec. 1997), pp. 192--195.

Bibliography Icon [BIB 2]

Tim Bray. Measuring the Web. Ed. Elsevier. W3 Consortium, Mayo, 1996. pp. 993-1005.

Bibliography Icon [BIB 3]

T. Isakowitz, E. A. Stohr, y P. Balasubramanian. "RMM: A methodology for structured hypermedia design." Communications of the ACM, 38 (8) (Agosto 1995), pp. 34-44.

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Daniel Schwabe y Gustavo Rossi. "The object-oriented hypermedia design model." Communications of the ACM, 38 (8) (Agosto 1995), pp. 45-46.

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D. Lange. "An Object-Oriented Design Method for Hypermedia Information Systems." Proceedings of the 28th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (Enero 1995), .

Bibliography Icon [BIB 6]

Jean paoli. "Extending the Web´s tag set using SGML: Authoring new tags with GrifSymposia." Proceedings of the 5th International WWW Conference, W3 Consortium, Elsevier (Mayo 1996), pág. 1095-1103.

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Todos los derechos reservados, Copyright © Diego Antona Archilla. The Medieval Miniaturæ Compendium, DGSCA/UNAM, 1999.