An Executive's Guide to Web Services. Inversores :: Investors &  VCs

An Executive's Guide to Web Services

Fecha Jueves, diciembre 19 @ 17:23:42
Tema Inversores :: Investors & VCs

Why are customer-centric business executives all around the world paying attention to the latest "buzz term" in the IT industry—Web Services? They recognize that Web Services’ standards suddenly make it easier for them to meet business customers’ and channel partners’ demands. Web Services make it much simpler to integrate disparate applications both within and across organizational boundaries.
The common wisdom you’ll hear from most analyst firms is that Web Services’ architectures will be implemented initially within companies. Our competitors believe that Web Services will be cautiously piloted as an approach to internal enterprise application integration (EAI). Yet, we’ve discovered that many of the earliest production implementations of Web Services are being used to support business customers and trading partners. So, instead of focusing first on internal application integration, forward-thinking companies are starting from the outside in—leading with customer-connectivity.

Patricia Seybold
Este artículo proviene de Kalysis Community

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