B2N. The non-lucrative opportunity, or what a company learnt from the prestige. Inversores :: Investors &  VCs

B2N. The non-lucrative opportunity, or what a company learnt from the prestige

Fecha Viernes, abril 25 @ 15:17:11
Tema Inversores :: Investors & VCs

By Diego Antona

In the middle of this atmosphere of changes and lack of resources, the companies nowadays still base their projects in capital, the human talent and products-services. Our aim in this communication is to focus on those business initiatives that we will call ‘B2Nobody’. These ‘non-companies’ manage to survive with ease the lack of human talent, or even the removal of base capital. Also, their products and services can be considered as an added value to a (cultural, artistic, literary, scientific) heritage that belongs to each and everyone.
The business opportunities of the new products –which will be more profitable as they address unattended market niches- derived from the cultural heritage, prove this assertion. Expert analysts in venture capital have shown confidence in the long term with growth data that overcome the average expectations for the return of investment.

We share the vision of a ‘parsley’s economy on the side of who sows, collects, packages and sells it; but not on the side of the one who gives it away, because it offers an added value to its customer. The increase in the scale of values of the projects B2Nobody will find its optimal point of equilibrium when the project is able to behave as an established business. The ‘dot.com’ companies began ‘giving away the parsley’ without having at least business. The IT projects count on some excellent products: Cultural Heritage and the prestige associated to them in the form of donations for instance.

As can be seen, this supposes a winner approach to ‘B2Nobody’ business from the strategic point of view. The thesis of this work is that the institution that is not recognised in the business world is condemned to be unsuccessful in the so-called global village (apart from collaborating in the loss of an aesthetic value that equilibrates and sublimates the merely pecuniary) and to do not bring any extra value (apart from consuming the financial support). Also, this work postulates a moment of business opportunities for the newcomers –may be not government institutions, but companies that know how to make profit out of a global heritage, without copyrights, author’s rights, or patent restrictions, which is much more effective than traditional institutions in the capture of market share. And, as we all know, the market share is usually linked to the maximum rentabilities.

Related: BELE. El Proyecto eLearning para Banda Ancha
Este artículo proviene de Kalysis Community

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