Eurowards business plans. EUROWARDS :: The European Award

Eurowards business plans

Fecha Viernes, julio 19 @ 20:10:30
Tema EUROWARDS :: The European Award

Before you try :

1. Present your project in a maximum of ten lines!

Try to convince the reader of the quality of your plan in a few lines.

Attention! Your answer to this question will be used to present your project externally. For this question confidentiality will not be ensured.

2. Who are you (alone or in a team)? What is your direction and what are your qualities? How and why have you got to the head of your project/business?

Who are you?
What is your profile?
Who makes up the team?
What have you already achieved together?
If there are several of you, how did you meet?
How do you complement each other?
What is the origin of your project? How did you come to be in charge of the project?
How did it reach maturity?
What are your skills?
Do you have experience in founding a business and / or in the activity sector concerned?
Do you have the motivation or the particular qualities needed for your project to succeed?

5. What do you sell?

What is your product range (description and general technical characteristics)?
Is your product directly usable or should it be transformed?
Does the end user have to change habits or be "trained" in order to use it?
Is your product ready to go on the market?
If not, what has to be done before launching it?

6. Who are your customers? What is their profile? Do you expect demand to increase?

What is the market?
Who is the end user?
What is his consumption patterns?
Can the market be divided or split up? If yes, according to what criteria (geographical zone, client profile)?
So what is the importance of these different sectors?
Is the user the decision-maker?
What are his main choice criteria and key needs?
What distribution channels are used to reach the end user?
What is the size of the global market (in terms of turnover or number of clients)?
Does the market need to be developed, is it emerging, growing, mature or in decline?
What development do you expect? And what kind of pattern?
What are the variables that explain this development?

7. Why will clients be enthusiastic about what you are offering?

Explain the advantages of what you offer in terms of benefits for the customer.

What needs does your product range address?
What advantage does the user derive from it?
Is the advantage measurable for the customer? If yes, explain.

8. If your project is an "innovation" explain what kind of innovation it is, and what its advantages are.

The answer to this question may be negative! If it is affirmative, you should explain how you are being innovative and the advantages in terms of competitiveness, employment, added value, etc.

"Innovation" here is taken in the widest possible meaning. It may be at the level of the product (production method, its own functions, . . .) marketing (how to market the product), management, originality of a service, or the social or environmental approach of a business.

9. What is the direct and indirect competition? How do you expect it to develop?

What competition or substitutes are already on the market?
Is the competition spread out or limited to a few businesses?
Are there other products or services that answer the same needs as yours does?
Compare your main competitors on the level of financial information (sales, profit, capital), size (personnel, market share) their product (range, characteristics, . . ..)
Evaluate their most important strong and weak points. Are they more or less expensive? What is their reputation like? What is their experience in this area?
What are your competitors' main strategies?
What are the reasons for their success or their failure?
What will be their reaction to your entering the market?
Can new competitors or substitutes appear? Explain how, why and in what pattern?

10. Which activities does your business do itself, and which ones does it subcontract? Why did you choose this set up?

How do you organize distribution of your products? Do you sell directly to the end user or to intermediaries?
If the latter is the case, what kind of intermediary do you work with (wholesalers, distributors, resellers, agents, and dealers…)?
Who are your preferred customers?
What purchases does your business make? Which are the main suppliers of materials and products? Are they replaceable?
Who are the main subcontractors? Are they replaceable?
What control do you have over their quality? How do you make sure delivery times are respected?
How is the work of production/manufacture/development shared between your different collaborators?
Should the need arise, which collaborators are the most difficult to replace?
In the case of project development (R&D, product improvement), which internal resources and external partners are involved in the project?
What are their profiles and what experience do they have in the field?

11. Do you expect to make significant expenditure or investment in the next two years? If so, what are they and how much will they cost you?

The concept of "significant expenditure or investment" does not correspond to any accounting category.

The objective is to identify the expenses that stem from the day to day activity of the business. Expenses do not have to be detailed; they can be grouped into coherent projects that give an outline of the different expenses to be consented to.


Fitting out a workshop = Purchase of machines + Purchase of tools + fitting works +…

Setting up abroad = Fact finding trips + expenses for studies + …

R&D = Preparatory studies + payment of researchers + running costs + subcontracting + legal protection +….

13. What are your financial objectives? Answer for the next two to five years (number by choice). If your business is already in existence, give the figures for 1998 and 1999.

Turnover = sales

Gross margin = 1 - (total purchases of goods and services directly linked to the turnover / turnover).

Gross margin is expressed in %.

Personnel costs at cost to the business = Wages + taxes + contributions + additional allowances + commissions + bonus + …

cars = location + insurance + petrol + maintenance and reparation + ...

Locations / installation = rent + charges + …

Office and working expenses = telephone / fax + post + supplies + canteen + insurance + taxes + social security + accounting + lawyer + …

Promotion expenses = publicity + fairs + ...

Representation and moving expenses = business trips + restaurants + customer presents + …

Research and development expenses = external collaborators, legal protection (patents...) + …

Result = (turnover x gross margin) - expenses.

Investment = expenses spread over several financial years.

14. How are you financing your business?


Personal money
Personal debt
Money from family or private investors ("business angels")
Risk capital
Long term debt
Credit line

16. Explain why your plan is going to succeed, and tell us your role in its success.

This question could be used as the conclusion of the exposé of your project. Underline the salient points of your entrepreneurial profile and your business as convincingly as possible.

17. If everything happens as you want, how do you see yourself in your business in more than five years' time?

What are your personal objectives?
How do you see your role in the business developing?
Should the opportunity arise, could you see yourself selling your business?

18. How will your business have developed between now and then?

The intention is to formulate a long-term vision of your objectives.

What milestones will help you measure the progress of your project over the next three to five years?

A technical stage?
Growth in sales?
Staff development?
Place on the market (leader…), market share?
Settling a partnership?
Diversification or integration of activities?

What are the important decisions to take? In what area(s)?

What related activities do you foresee for your business? In what time scale?

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