Mobile Payment. Telecomunicaciones :: Smartphone

Mobile Payment

Fecha Sábado, julio 20 @ 22:12:16
Tema Telecomunicaciones :: Smartphone

There are many different ways that mobile payments can take place. As yet, there is no global standard and different systems are emerging. If operators want to get a slice of the cake, they must develop open systems with very few barriers to entry for the consumer and they must also be prepared to share the revenues accrued over their networks. At the same time, any company intending to launch a mobile payment system must do so as soon as possible. Time to market and first mover advantage could just be crucial in this market.
Trends for the future

Mobipay will prove itself in Spain and then spread, achieving unparalleled success throughout Europe paybox will hold ground in its current markets, but will struggle to expand as operator-run solutions take the market by storm
Paiement CB sur Mobile will achieve some success but will fail to expand beyond France

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