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usb token patentLa Patente Industrial de Kalysis nº 2.186.534 :: O.E.P.M. :: may 9, 2001 - 10:53
:: Lectores de Tarjetas Inteligentes y Criptográficas | Firma Electrónica Avanzada | Tokens USB
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May 03, 2024 - 04:51 AM
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Llave de descarga de tacógrafo

La llave Bluetooth para tacógrafos digitales más avanzada del mundo.

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... KALYSIS es portada del Nilson Report?

Nilson Report - Tarjetas Inteligentes
Issue 814, July 2004

... la patente 2.186.534 de Kalysis es la base de la aplicación del DNI Digital o de la firma electrónica en tarjeta inteligente?

token USB... el "token USB" es un invento español patentado presentado publicamente en Bruselas?

...Los beneficios de pagos móviles crecerán drásticamente a USD20,000 millones en todo el mundo, de acuerdo con un nuevo informe estratégico de ARC Group. Esta cifra representa un crecimiento anual del 100%, y se deriva principalmente de nuevos tipos de transacción como prepago desde cajeros automáticos y otros innovadores ATMs.

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Mobile User Lifestyle Survey

Publicado por: Redacción
Telecomunicaciones :: Smartphone tarjeta inteligente 2003 Mobile Lifestyle Survey Provides Brand Managers and Marketers with Detailed Profiles of Hard-to-Reach, Early Adopter Males, Age 25-50.

HAYWARD, Calif. - February 24, 2003 - AvantGo, Inc. (Nasdaq: AVGO), a leading provider of mobile enterprise software, today released results from its 2003 Mobile Lifestyle Survey ¾ delivered to users on their mobile devices to determine their preferences, buying patterns, interests and activities. The survey sought to uncover trends among those who regularly carry and use a personal digital assistant (PDA). The results may surprise brand managers and marketers looking to reach that key male, age 25-50 audience. The study found that mobile device users in 2003 are mostly male, well educated and well paid with varied interests in sports and travel, for example.

"They are an elusive group for marketing professionals to reach - 25- to 50-year-old males - yet they can wield significant influence on the purchasing of products and services," said Neil Versen, vice president of sales at AvantGo. "This survey shows that My AvantGo, a proven marketing medium that literally puts information in the palms of customers' hands, has captured them and their buying habits."

Profile of a Mobile User in 2003: He's Male, Educated and Active

Of those surveyed in the 2003 Lifestyle Survey: Eighty-four percent are male. Sixty-nine percent are between 25 and 50 years of age, with 40% between 35 and 50. They are well educated with more than two-thirds completing college, a masters or a PhD degree. Over half have an annual household income above $60,000, with a full 26% over $100,000. And, if you think they are just geeks, think again. They are sports fans, watching football (51%), basketball (28%), baseball (23%) and NASCAR (13%), and on any given day you may find over 80% of them participating in outdoor sports, including golfing (19%), hiking (17%) and cycling (15%).

Other characteristics of the mobile user in 2003 include:

They come from a variety of industries, and the majority of these PDA users own both their homes and their cars. However, nearly a third are in the market to purchase a new vehicle in less than one year.

They travel for both business (with 12% averaging more than 10 business trips a year) and for pleasure (with 24% taking over three vacations per year).

When they aren't traveling, they are busy using wireless services from a variety of carriers and a combination of their desktop and laptop computers to conduct online purchases of books (60%), PC software (56%) and CDs/music (49%). In the next six months, among the items they intend to purchase are new PCs, appliances and cameras.

Of course, they all own a PDA that almost two-thirds purchased for themselves, while others were a gift or provided by their employers.

About the Mobile Lifestyle Survey

The 2003 Mobile Lifestyle Survey is based on responses from 1,450 My AvantGo users. The self-administered survey was completed over a two-week period in February 2003 and delivered on mobile devices via the My AvantGo service. Respondents were self-selecting.

Nota: Download the results: http://avantgo.com/products/solutions/pdfs/mobile_lifestyle_survey.pdf

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