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Lectores de Tarjetas Inteligentes y Criptográficas | Firma Electrónica Avanzada | Tokens USB

El primer Token USB de la Historia

Llave de descarga de tacógrafoLa llave Bluetooth para tacógrafos digitales más avanzada del mundo

Lectores de Tarjetas | DNI-e | Lector DNI electronico

Los lectores de DNIe más certificados del mercado

El primer análisis con inteligencia artificial de los ficheros legales del tacógrafo digital

Lectores de Tarjetas | DNI-e RFID Mifare | Tarjetas de Proximidad

Los sistemas de control de acceso más potentes de la industria

Tarjeta de Transporte de Proximidad NFC La gestión informática y electrónica con tarjetas de grandes terminales de transporte

usb token patentLa Patente Industrial de Kalysis nº 2.186.534 :: O.E.P.M. :: may 9, 2001 - 10:53
:: Lectores de Tarjetas Inteligentes y Criptográficas | Firma Electrónica Avanzada | Tokens USB
Kalysis MEI®
:: Control de Tiempos y Accesos  |  Lectores y Tarjetas de Proximidad RFID Mifare
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Jun 16, 2024 - 03:47 AM
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Comprar en KALYSIS España Lector de tarjetas DNI - Internet de las cosas

Internet de las Cosas
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Lectores de Tarjetas DNI

Tarjetas Inteligentes
- Tarjeta Ciudadana
- Tarjeta Mifare

Llave de descarga de tacógrafo

La llave Bluetooth para tacógrafos digitales más avanzada del mundo.

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tarjeta inteligente Kalysis Lectores Tarjetas Inteligentes
· Lector de Tarjetas Token USB Firma Electrónica
· Lector Grabador Tarjetas Magnéticas
· Firma Electrónica Avanzada
· Teclado Tarjetas Magnéticas e Inteligentes
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Sabía que...

... KALYSIS es portada del Nilson Report?

Nilson Report - Tarjetas Inteligentes
Issue 814, July 2004

... la patente 2.186.534 de Kalysis es la base de la aplicación del DNI Digital o de la firma electrónica en tarjeta inteligente?

token USB... el "token USB" es un invento español patentado presentado publicamente en Bruselas?

...Los beneficios de pagos móviles crecerán drásticamente a USD20,000 millones en todo el mundo, de acuerdo con un nuevo informe estratégico de ARC Group. Esta cifra representa un crecimiento anual del 100%, y se deriva principalmente de nuevos tipos de transacción como prepago desde cajeros automáticos y otros innovadores ATMs.

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Firma Electrónica Avanzada

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tarjeta inteligente Kalysis GRUPO

España Kalysis GRUPO - Plataforma Kalysis MEI

Kalysis EspañaKALYSIS Iberia, SL
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Primera Planta
29008 Málaga

952 60 81 93
686 500 726

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+34 952 608193

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Kalysis Community FAQ (Preguntas de uso frecuente)

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Categoría: Principal -> About Us - Acerca de Nosotros

·  What is your mission?
·  What is the direct and indirect competition? How do you expect it to develop?
·  What do you sell?
·  MEI®: what kind of innovation is it? and what are its advantages?

·  What is your mission?

Safe and massive E-Transactions (Authenticated and Anonymous E-Payment) Enabler.

Business: The electronic cash or the electronic identity card (smart-cart based) are not the metaphor of cash and identity online if I cannot use them indeed from the bathroom. Our mission is to make possible a global and massive use of identity and money from every device online.

Las primeras

·  What is the direct and indirect competition? How do you expect it to develop?

Credit Cards and Mobility E-Payment Systems

An investigation made by OVUM indicates that the clients online will be able to breathe from now on calm since the credit cards begin to remain outside the alternatives of payment in Internet. According to the report "Second Generation E-payments: E-business Beyond the Credit Card ", in the future new methods of payment will exile to the popular plastic.

The systems of mobile payment do not allow another one to pay with your own telephone. In our case the payment by means of mobile devices is allowed, but, with MEI you pay with ‘your’ card with the phone, for example, of the clerck sales or waiter.

All the systems of the competition demand to be subject of credit, to have banking account associate, to learn passwords, and to trust that the data that travel, or are written in the card are safe. They are quaternary systems technologically in a network of Third Generation.

The evolution of mobile systems of payment is acceptable, premature, because they will not detonate until the extension of the UMTS. Yet, they will not have solved the mentioned problems of universality. Nobody is taking positions to detonate purchases online, safe, universal, and financially advantageous for companies, government and consumers. It is moment already for doing it, during and after 3G.

Las primeras

·  What do you sell?

E-Payment and Authentication Platforms: fees and pay per use. Smart cards and devices. Applications that make use of our platforms. Virtual Stores for Micro-payments in ASP -application server- model.

We make possible the transactional phase of any existing business, adding automatic elements (CRM) of security, allowing the companies to offer a client/employee card (Intranet B2E).

To the public administration, we offer a digital identifier of its citizens, as a tool of two-way traffic: queries, registry and update of data, payment and return of taxes.

In the middle term, Kalysis will work in the convergence with his new products: ‘Rating Meter’, Platforms and Devices for Audience Analysis (TV and iTV) and Habits of Consumer Analysis online.

Las primeras

·  MEI®: what kind of innovation is it? and what are its advantages?

- Costs Control: acquired prepayment card or in bank with the funds needed for the purchase or payment services.
- Risks Control: funds limited; an anonymous balance that is equal to the money in cash.
- Flexibility of use: micro-payment, recharging, buying, national and international transference, traveler check, and currency change, Pay-per-use. Only form of use online and offline.
- Guarantee of return: the consumed balance can become effective in a cash machine or from a bank teller.
- Anonymity: to the user it interests to indicate where it wants to him to receive the purchase, not who is.
- Security in the transference: it does not travel a name of user and a key, is only made a session (anonymous, but registered) in a server.
- Security in the claims: the session of the user is registered in the server: it is possible to give account of the incidences and returns, just as if the traditional card in a cash machine is used.
- Transfer of money between people: no bank transfer necessity, just put money from your card in my card using Internet
- Facility of Interchange: it can be a gift, is anonymous.
- Mobility and independence: it can be used from any device (particular or public), the device is a key ring that is inserted in one of the ports of the PC, or the movable telephone.
- Beneficient Social Perception: everybody, without being subject of credit, has access to safe purchases online. It can use his card from a Internet coffee: it would be using it with the same confidence with which any banking teller uses.

- Facility to establish businesses online: the store or virtual service does not have to worry to budget the footbridge of payments, and the monthly cost by its use, has sales or not: to subscribe and only to certify themselves with the platform. Its model of business, contemplates to a servant of applications E-commerce, m-commerce, with virtual stores and payment of services.
- Economy: he will be economic for all the participants, compared with the payment through credit cards. It is a prepaid debit that does not generate interests.
- Micro-payments: It opens to the door to the world of micro purchases in Internet and outside her. It is not worth the trouble to risk to microtarjetazo.
- Financial advantages: For the distributor, the prepayment advances an amount that can be used, or not to get to become, but it has been received.
-Universality of the payments in Internet: It is necessary to have neither counts banking nor credit card. More target clients (young people).
-Directed Publicity

For the public administrations and companies, MEI® is equivalent to a unified credential of voter, or identity card.

Las primeras

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Kalysis GRUPO © 2001-2021 Licensed Materials - Program Property of Kalysis. All Rights Reserved
Licensed under one or more Spain Patents Nº 2,186,534 assigned to Kalysis Iberia, SL. MEI® is a trademark of Kalysis GRUPO
All trademarks are the property of their respective companies. Technical data subject to change without notice


El Greco, 17. 29749 Málaga - Andalucía - España - EU ☎ (+34) 952 60.81.93 ☎ (+34) 952 22.79.60 ☎ (+34) 686-500-726
Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil nº 5 de Málaga. Tomo 3.322, Libro 2.234, Folio 45, Hoja MA-63694. Sociedad Limitada C.I.F. ES B92451996 Kalysis es un Operador Intracomunitario registrado en el V.I.E.S.
© 2001-2021 Kalysis Iberia, SL