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... KALYSIS es portada del Nilson Report?

Nilson Report - Tarjetas Inteligentes
Issue 814, July 2004

... la patente 2.186.534 de Kalysis es la base de la aplicación del DNI Digital o de la firma electrónica en tarjeta inteligente?

token USB... el "token USB" es un invento español patentado presentado publicamente en Bruselas?

...Los beneficios de pagos móviles crecerán drásticamente a USD20,000 millones en todo el mundo, de acuerdo con un nuevo informe estratégico de ARC Group. Esta cifra representa un crecimiento anual del 100%, y se deriva principalmente de nuevos tipos de transacción como prepago desde cajeros automáticos y otros innovadores ATMs.

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Smart Card History



The roots of the current day smart card can be traced back to the US in the early 1950s when Diner's Club produced the first all-plastic card to be used for payment applications. The synthetic material PVC was used which allowed for longer-lasting cards than previously conventional paper based cards. In this system, the mere fact that you were issued a Diners Club card allowed you to pay with your "good name" rather than cash. In effect, the card identified you as a member of a select group, and was accepted by certain restaurants and hotels that recognised this group.

VISA and MasterCard then entered the market, but eventually the cost pressures of fraud, tampering, merchant handling, and bank charges made a machine-readable card necessary. The magnetic stripe was introduced, and this allowed further digitised data to be stored on the cards in a machine-readable format. This type of embossed card with a magnetic stripe is still the most commonly used method of payment. Magnetic stripe technology suffers from a critical weakness, however, in that anyone with access to the appropriate device can read, re-write, or delete the data. Thus a mag-stripe card is unsuitable for storing sensitive data and, as such, requires an extensive on-line, centralised, back-end infrastructure for verification and processing.

In the 1970s there were several extreme improvements in the semiconductor industry. This paved the way for the development of PCs and smart cards. Why create smart cards, or make any improvements in credit cards at all?

The two most important answers are fraud and functionality. As credit cards increased in popularity, they also increased in fraudulent use. This has been a serious problem for several decades, and is the main reason people refuse to use the Internet to make purchases. As far as functionality was concerned, the credit card initially required the merchant to type the 16 digit number into a terminal. Later magnetic strips were added, allowing sales clerks to simply swipe the cards. Still, paper receipts were needed for signature verification. Also, with every transaction there is still the need to telephonically verify the credit card's legitimacy. So, credit cards are not entirely secure and they are not paperless.

As it turns out, only the US had the required type of a back-end infrastructure for processing card authentication, but this was not as readily available in the European countries. As in any client/server architecture, one solution to a lack of back-end processing power is to beef up the back-end server side, but another solution is to make the client piece more powerful, thus relieving some of the duties of the back-end. European countries seem to have preferred the client side approach, and made a huge improvement over mag-stripe technology by introducing the integrated circuit card (ICC).

This brings us to the smart card era

The first patent related to smart cards was requested by two German inventors, Jurgen Dethloff and Helmut Grotrupp in 1968. They patented the idea of incorporating an integrated circuit into an identification card. Similar applications followed in Japan in 1970 and France in 1974.

The first computer-on-a-chip was born in 1971 in Intel's laboratories. In 1974 Roland Moreno, a French independent inventor, mounted a chip on a card and devised a system to use the card for payment transactions. He showed his invention to a few French banks, and by the end of the year Honeywell Bull had produced the first CP8 Transac cards.

By that time the semiconductor industry was able to supply the necessary integrated circuits at reasonable prices.

In the mid to late 70's it was apparent to some that smart cards would one day hold an important place in history. "The smart card business will one day be as important as the computer business is today." (The director of the Department of Patents at the French computer firm Honeywell Bull SA in 1978.)

For the next ten years a number of technical difficulties were resolved with smart cards. In 1984, the French PTT (Postal and Telecommunications services) successfully carried out a field trial with telephone cards. By 1986, many millions of French telephone smartcards were in circulation. Their number reached nearly 60 million. It was a good thing for the smart card industry that its first real breakthrough was in an area not already on the market. This allowed the new technology to be fully exploited, as it didn't have to conform to an earlier technological standard.

The first French phone cards used EPROM chips while the first German phone cards used EEPROM chips. "By 1986, several million 'smart' telephone cards were in circulation in France alone. Today there are such telephone cards in over 50 countries.

Smart cards used for banking

Bank cards are more complex, because of their need for cryptography. Cryptography is "The art or process of writing in or deciphering secret code". In the 1960s this art became a science through the expansion of electronic data processing. Using mathematical algorithms, computer engineers could actually calculate the strength of security mechanisms in computer programs. This technology was essential to the development of debit cards, and in 1984 the French were the first to bring the bank card into daily use. By 1994 all French bank cards included chips.

The early adopters of the new card were both French: France Telecom and Carte Bancaire. The first company is the state-owned telecommunications monopoly, it decided to issue tamper-proof calling cards. The second is now the leading French credit card network, it began by using the CP8 Transac to issue VISA and MasterCard credit cards (the card still had a magnetic stripe in order to preserve international compatibility).

Where else smart cards are commonly found

In the European standard for digital mobile telephony GSM, a smart card is used as a form of identification of the user. A slot in all GSM telephones allows the user to be identified independently of the equipment. This means that a user could borrow a friend's phone after his had run out of credit, but still have the call billed to his, not his friend's account.

Smart cards now

As of 1995, Europe accounted for 342 of the estimated 484 million smart cards used worldwide. In the United States smart cards were used mainly for access control and corporate ID, but the number of these cards is negligible (well under 1 million).

Besides the bank card and the "upgraded" credit card is the electronic purse. This is simply a smart card with a certain amount of money loaded onto it. This allows for making small purchases without paper cash, and is one of the large drawing points of smart cards. The first electronic purse was used in Denmark in 1992. Austria took a further step in 1996 when it deployed a national electronic purse with optional applications. German banks began introducing them around 1997. Another application fielded in Germany included over 70 million smartcards issued which carried health insurance information.

In 1994 the US joined Europe in planning for future smart card technology. Europay, MasterCard, and Visa worked out the specifications for credit cards incorporating microchips. This guaranteed mutual compatibility, and was "an important milestone for the future worldwide use of smart cards for financial transactions".
It is called the EMV specification, an acronym formed by the using the first letters of each of the three companies involved.

At the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta VISA launched a cash card, available in the disposable and reloadable versions. The card has a stored value of money, and can be used for small purchases at participating merchants or, more typically, at vending machines. The VISA Cash Card is also now available in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Colombia and Spain, and a pilot project is currently being run in New York by VISA, MasterCard and Citibank.

This is an area where smart card technology can be exploited much further than it has been, and this will require national and international standards. Currently, electronic purses are closed systems. They can only be used within certain regions and/or for certain vendors.

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